Acne alternative remedies
Acne is a common inflammatory skin disease characterized by pimples on the face, chest, and back. It occurs when the pores of the skin become clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and/or bacteria
Acne vulgaris, the medical term for common acne, s the most common skin disease. It affects nearly 17 illion people in the United States . While acne can arise t any age, it usually begins at puberty and worsens during dolescence. Nearly 85% of people develop acne ome time between the ages of 12 and 25 years old. Up o 20% of women develop mild acne. It is also found in ome newborns.
The sebaceous glands lie just beneath the skin’s urface. They produce sebum, an oily secretion that elps to preserve the flexibility of the hair and moisturizes he skin. These glands and the hair follicles within hich they are found are called sebaceous follicles.
These follicles open onto the skin through pores that llow the sebum to reach the hair shaft and the skin. In ertain situations, the glands excrete excess sebum and t cannot be cleared from the pores efficiently. This appens, for instance, at puberty when increased levels f the androgen hormones cause overproduction of ebum. In addition, cells lining the follicle are shed too uickly and begin to clump together. The excess sebum ombines with the dead cells and forms a plug, or omedo (also called omedones), that blocks the pore, hich is not usually seen. When the follicle begins to ulge and show up as a small whitish bump mostly nder the skin, it is called a whitehead. If the comedo pens up, the top surface of the plug darkens, and it is eferred to as a blackhead.
Infection results when a plugged follicle is invaded y Propionibacterium acnes, a bacteria that normally ives on the skin, and possibly other microorganisms.
The bacteria produce chemicals and enzymes that bring n inflammation. Pimples are the result of infected lackheads or whiteheads that rupture, releasing sebum, acteria, dead skin, and white blood cells onto the surrounding issues. Inflamed pimples near the skin’s surface re called papules; they are red and raised, and may e quite tender to the touch. The papules may become illed with pus, and are then called pustules. If the follicle ontinues to enlarge rather than rupture, it forms a losed sac, called a cyst, which can be felt as a lump nder the skin. Large hard swellings deep within the skin re called nodules. Both nodules and cysts may cause ain and scarring.
Causes & symptoms:
The exact cause of acne is mostly unknown. Sometimes hen acne in women is due to excess male hormone roduction, it is diagnosed by an onset of the condition n adulthood; excessive growth of hair, especially n places not usual on a female, called hirsuitism; irregular enstrual cycles; and premenstrual flare-ups of acne.
A 2001 study demonstrated that menstrual cycle does affect cne. Surprisingly, the study revealed that 53% of omen over age 33 experienced a higher premenstrual cne rate than women under age 20.
Many alternative practitioners assert that acne is ften related to a condition of toxicity in the intestines or iver. This may be due to the presence of bacteria such as
Clostridia spp. and Yersinia enterocolitica, a low-fiber iet; a lack of friendly gut flora such as Lactobacillus pp.; an intestinal overgrowth of Candida albicans; and ood allergies.
The interaction between the body’s hormones, skin rotein, skin secretions, and bacteria determines the ourse of acne. Several other factors have also been hown to affect the condition:
• Age. Teenagers are more likely than anyone to develop cne.
• Gender. Boys have more severe acne and develop it ore often than girls.
• Disease. Hormonal disorders can complicate acne in irls.
• Heredity. Individuals with a family history of acne have reater susceptibility to the condition.
• Hormonal changes. Acne can flare up before menstruation, uring pregnancy, and menopause.
• Diet. Although they are not the primary cause of acne, ertain foods may bring on flare-ups or make the condition orse.
• Drugs. Acne can be a side effect of antibiotics, oral ontraceptives, and anabolic steroids.
• Personal hygiene. Use of abrasive soaps, hard scrubbing f the face, or handling pimples will often make hem worse.
• Cosmetics. Oil-based makeup and hair sprays worsen cne.
• Environment. Exposure to oils and greases, polluted ir, and sweating in hot weather can all aggravate acne.
• Stress. Emotional stress may contribute to acne.
• Friction. Continual pressure or rubbing on the skin by uch things as bicycle helmets, backpacks, or tight lothing, as well as hard scrubbing of the skin, can orsen acne.
The most common sites of acne are the face, chest, houlders, and back, since these are the parts of the body here the most sebaceous follicles are found. In eenagers, acne is often found on the forehead, nose, and hin. As people get older, it tends to appear towards the uter part of the face. Adult women may have acne on heir chins and around their mouths. The elderly often develop hiteheads and blackheads on the upper cheeks and kin around the eyes. Inflamed lesions may cause redness, ain, tenderness, itching, or swelling in affected areas.
Acne has a characteristic appearance and is, therefore, ot difficult to diagnose. A complete medical history hould be taken, including questions about skin care, iet, factors that improve or worsen the condition, medication se, and prior treatment. Physical examination ncludes the face, upper neck, chest, shoulders, back, and ther affected areas. Under good lighting, the doctor can etermine what types and how many blemishes are present, hether they are inflamed, whether they are deep r superficial, and whether there is scarring or skin discoloration.
Blood tests are done when the patient appears o have hormonal or other medical problems. Stool tests an be helpful in determining whether there is a bacterial r yeast overgrowth contributing to the condition. Food llergy testing should also be considered.
Alternative treatments for acne focus on proper leansing to keep the skin oil-free; intermittent fasting; ating a good diet; an elimination diet where the individual voids alcohol, dairy products, smoking, affeine, sugar, processed foods, and foods high in iodine, mineral which appears to contribute to acne.
Supplementation with herbs that are blood cleansers r blood purifiers is recommended. These herbs trengthen the action of the liver and the kidneys, helping ith detoxification and excretion. Dandelion root incture (Taraxacum officinale) is recommended. Others nclude burdock root (Arctium lappa), also known as obo, and can be purchased fresh at health food grocers r in Asian markets. It can be used either raw or cooked n salads, stir-fries, or other vegetable dishes. Burdock oot tincture can also be used. Red clover (Trifolium ratense) makes a pleasant tea that can be consumed hroughout the day. Milk thistle seed (Silybum marianum) an either be taken in tincture form or the seeds an be ground up and eaten in combination with hot cereal, ranola, or other foods.
Other herbs useful in the treatment of acne include chinacea spp. and goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis).
Goldenseal is particularly helpful in clearing up underlying onditions of intestinal toxicity. Herbal remedies sed in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) for acne nclude cnidium seed, (Cnidium monnieri), and honeysuckle lower (Lonicera japonica). Supplementation nutrients, uch as essential fatty acids (EFAs), vitamin B omplex, zinc, vitamin A or beta-carotene, and chromium re also recommended.
Bowel toxicity may contribute to acne flare-ups, and hould be addressed. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus ulgaricus should be taken in yogurt or in apsules to maintain a healthy balance of intestinal flora.
Goldenseal can be used to kill toxic bacteria. Allergic oods should be identified and removed from the diet.
Dietary fiber, such as oats and wheat bran, beans, fruits nd vegetables and their skins, and psyllium seed, hould be increased in the diet. The fiber will absorb toxins nd carry them through the colon to be excreted.
In addition, those with acne may want to participate n movement therapy, such as yoga or t’ai chi, or begin n exercise regimen. The person may also consider tress reduction or meditation.
Allopathic treatment:
Acne treatment consists of reducing sebum and keratin roduction, encouraging the shedding of dead skin ells to help unclog the pores, and killing or limiting acteria. Treatment choice depends upon whether the cne is mild, moderate, or severe. Complicated cases are eferred to a dermatologist, or an endocrinologist, who reats diseases of the glands and the hormones. Counseling ay be necessary to clear up misconceptions about he condition and to offer support regarding the negative ffect of acne on the physical appearance.
Topical drugs:
Treatment for mild acne consists of reducing the ormation of new comedones with over-the-counter acne edications containing benzoyl peroxide (e.g., Clearasil,
Fostex), salicylic acid (Stridex), sulfur (Therac lotion), esorcinol (Acnomel cream). Treatment with stronger edications requires a doctor’s supervision. Such medications nclude comedolytics, which are agents that oosen hard plugs and open pores. Adapalene (Differin), he vitamin A acid tretinoin (Retin-A), and concentrated ersions of salicylic acid, resorcinol, and sulfur are in his group. Topical antibiotics, such as erythromycin, lindamycin (Cleocin-T), and meclocycline (Meclan), ay be added to the treatment regimen. Drugs that act as oth comedolytics and antibiotics, such as benzoyl peroxide, zelaic acid (Azelex), or benzoyl peroxide plus rythromycin (Benzamycin), are also used.
After washing with a mild soap, the acne medications re applied alone or in combination, once or twice day over the entire affected area of skin. It may take any months to years to control the condition with these edications. Possible side effects include mild redness, eeling, irritation, dryness, and an increased sensitivity o sunlight that requires use of a sunscreen.
Oral drugs:
When acne is severe and the lesions are deep, oral ntibiotics may be taken daily to reduce the spread of acteria. Tetracycline is the medication most often used. inocycline, however, may be more preferable because t has fewer side effects. Erythromycin and doxycycline re also used, and they also have side effects, including izziness, photosensitivity, gastrointestinal problems, nd darkening of the skin. Other possible side effects include llergic reactions, yeast infections, dizziness, ooth discoloration, and folliculitis. It is necessary for ntibiotics to be used for up to three months to clear up he condition.
Isotretinoin (Accutane) can be used in cases of very evere acne, or if antibiotic therapy proves unsuccessful.
It may clear up resistant cysts and nodules in up to 90% f people and prevent scarring. Some do require a second ourse of treatment before this happens, however.
Although the medication can be quite helpful, women ho might become pregnant should use it with care.
Isotretinoin can cause birth defects up to a month after it as stopped being used. Therefore, strict attention is paid o pregnancy tests and contraceptive requirements for omen of child-bearing age who take this medication.
The course of treatment with isotretinoin lasts about our to five months. If dosage is kept low, a longer ourse of therapy is needed. Isotretinoin is a strong medication.
Side effects are very common, mostly dryness of he eyes, genital mucosa, and lips. Other effects may include ncreases in cholesterol, tryglicerides, and abnormal iver enzymes. Blood tests taken each month should e monitored during the course of treatment to ensure hat the medication is not causing serious harm.
Anti-androgens, drugs that inhibit androgen production, re used to treat women who are unresponsive to ther therapies. Oral contraceptives such as norgestimate/
ethinyl estradiol (Ortho-Tri-Cyclen) have been hown to improve acne. In late 2001, a clinical trial emonstrated that ultra low-dose birth control pills
(Alesse) prove as effective in treating acne as do pills ith higher doses of estrogen. Improvement may take up o four months.
Other drugs, such as spironolactone and corticosteroids, ay be used to reduce hormone activity in the drenal glands, reducing production of sebum. This is he treatment of choice for an extremely severe, but rare ype of acne called acne fulminans, found mostly in adolescent ales. Acne conglobata, a more common form of evere inflammation, is characterized by numerous, eep, inflammatory nodules that heal with scarring. It is reated with oral isotretinoin and corticosteroids.
Other types of treatment:
Several surgical or medical treatments are available o alleviate acne or the resulting scars:
• Comedone extraction. The comedo is removed from he pore with a special tool.
• Chemical peels. Glycolic acid is applied to peel off the op layer of skin to reduce scarring.
• Dermabrasion. The affected skin is frozen with a chemical pray, and removed by brushing or planing.
• Punch grafting. Deep scars are excised and the area repaired ith small skin grafts.
• Intralesional injection. Corticosteroids are injected directly nto inflamed pimples.
• Collagen injection. Shallow scars are elevated by collagen rotein injections.
• Laser treatments. Two types of laser treatments are proving ffective in treating acne scars. Laser-treated skin heals in hree to 10 days, depending on the treatment chosen.
Expected results:
Most dermatologists now use a combination of therapies o treat acne, depending on the individual. Results f specific treatments will vary. Acne is not a serious ealth threat. The most troubling aspects of this condition re the negative cosmetic effects and potential for ermanent scarring. Some people, especially teenagers, ecome emotionally upset about their condition, and this ay contribute to social or emotional problems.
Acne is not considered curable, although it can be ontrolled by proper treatment, with improvement possibly aking many months. Acne tends to reappear when reatment stops, but it often spontaneously improves over ime. Inflammatory acne may leave scars that require urther treatment.
There are no sure ways to prevent acne, but the following teps may be taken to minimize flare-ups:
• Gentle washing of affected areas once or twice every day.
• Avoidance of abrasive cleansers.
• Limited use of makeup and moisturizers; with avoidance f oil-based brands altogether.
• Oily hair should be shampooed often and worn up, way from the face.
• A healthy, well-balanced diet should be eaten. Fresh ruits and vegetables should be stressed, and foods that eem to trigger flare-ups should be avoided.
• The face can be washed gently, twice daily with a soap ompounded of sulfur, Calendula officinalis, or other ubstances that are useful against acne.
• Affected areas should not be handled excessively. Pimples hould not be squeezed or prodded, as this may contribute o scarring, as well as spreading the acne lesions.
• Emotional stress should be kept in check.
Androgens—Male sex hormones that are linked ith the development of acne.
Comedo—A hard plug composed of sebum and ead skin cells.
Follicles—Structures where pimples form.
They re found within the skin and house the oil glands nd hair.
Isotretinoin—A drug that decreases sebum production nd dries up acne pimples.
Sebum—An oily skin moisturizer produced by sebaceous lands.
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